Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Updates on all subjects

okay, so yesterday I was bad. Kaia and I spent $10 at the pizza place. But we got to spend some time out together which was nice.

I also bought potting soil, but that is a good purchase. Tonight I'll be buying lettuce seeds to grow my own salad fixin's! I am more excited than I feel it really warrants, but that's a good thing, maybe I'll actually stick with it! Just kidding, I know I will. I'm learning so much just from reading, and am really looking forward to learning so much more from actually growing the edibles! Kaia's gonna help, and have her own container, she's excited too. Gonna start her with radishes because they grow faster, keeps kids interested. Mom is checking out the barn for gardening supplies, since one of the main goals of this project is to save money. The other being to eat more healthfully.

Kaia's swimming teacher said she's at the top of her class....not only Top, but "way ahead of the others" !! She's younger than all of them too, I think. She should be in the next class up, but I messed up when signing her up. The good part is she's with older kids this session, so even though she not progressing like she would in the next level, she is doing more things, and she's gaining confidence and pride in her abilities. (like she needs more confidence - if she knew what "president" meant, she'd think she could do a better job.....well, with our current prez, she probably could, but you get my meaning.) Next session she'll move up a level.

Mike is coming home!! This Saturday! Which means two things.....I get some lovin' Saturday night, and some sleepin' Sunday morning! What a wonderful life I lead... we are also going to clean off the patio for my garden, and continue clearing the house. Get rid of all that clutter! Get rid of all those unnecessary, unloved things! CLEAR IT ALL OUT!!


Anonymous said...

hope your garden does well, sounds really good, so healthy to eat your own home grown stuff, i may try and do the same!

Anonymous said...

glad you are so upbeat and forward-looking. Life can be grand. Hopefully I will get to that other stuff in the barn today! And Mike so soon!! I am very happy for the 3 of you! There is a line from a C,S,N & Y song that goes:
"We are One person
We are Two, alone
We are Three together
We are For.....eachother!"

This is you guys to a 'T'. Small kiss, large hug, MOM