Saturday, June 30, 2007

Baby Dreams

Had two dreams about the baby last night....

In the first dream, we hadn't thought of a name yet when he was born. I was really worried about it, and was driving in the car with Michael discussing possibilities. All of a sudden, I knew the perfect name! COBALT! I excitedly told Mike, and he agreed it was the best name. I decided we could call the baby Coby for short, and he agreed that was a wonderful name.

In the second dream, I hadn't seen the baby since he was born, but had left the hospital for some reason. It was a few days after his birth, and I was waiting for him to come home. I was sitting in a car (cars were in both dreams...odd) and my dad was going to bring my son home to me, so I was looking for his blue truck. It suddenly appeared, and I could easily see inside to the car seat that my son was in. My son looked out at me, and grinned really big. I knew he recognized his Mama, and was as happy to see me as I was to see him.

1 comment:

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

Hee hee. That's so funny. What's weird is that one dream I'm sure I've told you about a hundred times, where Katia was born a beautiful rainbow colored snake, and I was going to name her Rainbow! We both had dreams of the perfect name being color-related (and not-so-perfect in reality). Hmm... I wonder what that means... Probably that pregnant women have weird dreams...