Saturday, May 31, 2008

Buddha In June

I wanted to explain my new header, because I love what's in it but it's not completely clear what IS in it.

This is a Buddha garden that Kaia made in school. This is the Buddha sitting under a tree. (I think he gained enlightenment here? showing my lack of knowledge...)

Kaia learned about Buddha a couple weeks ago, and had a surprisingly clear memory of what they taught. I can't remember all of it, but parts of her explanation go as such:

"Buddha was a prince, and he was rich, but he hated to see so much suffering so he gave up all of his possessions."

"He sat under a tree like this (shows lotus position, or a 6 year old's idea of it) and was very still"

She actually remembered a lot more than that, but sadly, I do not.


Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

As I sat here looking at your header and waiting for the script to load, I was thinking to myself, "What the heck IS that?" Meanwhile trying to imagine what it was, and mentally beginning to phrase my comment asking you what the heck it was. Now I understand. I thought it was some huge and somewhat lumpy banana pepper in a flower arrangement for some unknown reason...

Anonymous said...

This is lovely. Kaia must be very happy you post it. I'd love to see more of Kaia' school work or drawings...