Sunday, October 15, 2006

Daily Glimpse #5

What a nice Sunday this has been. Nothing huge happened, and Mike and Carol didn't get to visit, but it was relaxing anyway. Kaia and I went grocery shopping. She has decided to be a cat for Halloween, black with white paws. I got a wig for my Elf costume, since I found my ears awhile ago, and I am very excited!

Here's Kaia wearing the ears, she reminds me of the Gump in Legend.

I messed around with my wig, putting a few braids in it, gonna put more in...also messed around with makeup for the big day...I love Halloween!

Leaving on Thursday for Vancouver, SO's not enough time!! We only have 5 days there! I want more.

Kaia has her first Girl Scout meeting tomorrow after school. Hope it goes well and she is not disappointed and I am not horrified. Off we go to join the Cookie Cult.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cute photo of our little elfkins. I can't wait to see you inthem!

Girl scouts, my my! Do you go to the first meeting with her? how many days a week/month? Isn't it pricey? Hope not. Do you ever have to be the leader, or some such thing?

Oh, don't listen to me, I just came from the first writer's group, and am feeling a little unsure of everything. I keep telling myself that is probably normal for someone who is not used to being around a bunch of people who are virtual strangers. I hope I feel better in the morning. Guess it won't be the first or last time I am scared!