Thursday, February 21, 2008


It seems like a simple desire. I want some storage drawers for under Kaia's bed. I don't want them to be plastic. Ideally, they would be wooden, have wheels, be a simple 4 sided box shape with a bottom and no lid, and cost LESS THAN SEVENTY DOLLARS!!!

Kaia's bed is perfect for underbed boxes. She has a 9" clearance, and nothing under there that can't be stored somewhere else. Anyone out there feel like making me two or three drawers that are 9 inches high, have wheels, and would fit under a twin size bed?!! I would pay for them, just not $70!


Anonymous said...

I'd do it, but you would need a permit as you are in Washington state, and you need a permit for everything. Plus, you live in ecoconsious Seattle area which means you have to hatch, grow, and release 4 spotted owls before you can make a project out of wood.


Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

I was just telling John we need the exact same thing! Well, maybe different measurements. We could make them all at once and be you know, time-saving... What's the word... Efficient!

You should come over and help us. :)