Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the perils of outdoor lettuce growing.

This morning I walked out to water my tomatoes and lettuce, and spied a rabbit enjoying the feast. On the way to work, I told Mike about it. He asked if I had chased it away. I told him no, we had enough to share.

"Share!?!" he said incredulously.

"ummm...yeah...." I said, unsure why he was so upset. It's not like we are huge in the lettuce eating department.

"I don't know about that. " He said. "I don't want to eat lettuce that has been touched by rabbit lips! You don't know where they've been."


Anonymous said...

Yes, rabbits these days are so loose, they cannot be trusted....

But seriously, they will eat ALL your lettuce. You can get chicken wire covers, very cheaply. If you have any left when I come visit, we can do it then. IF.....

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

I was thinking along the same lines as Mike, although my focus was more on where their little feet have been. But I could not have put it so hilariously! Thanks for the good morning laugh.